Hotels and Lodges in Chandannagar

There is a scarcity of accomodation facility in Chandannagar.Rooms are
available inRabindra Bhavan owned by Chandannagar Municipal Corporation.
For reservation
please contact:
Rabindra Bhavan,
Strand Road,
P.O. Chandannagar
Dist. Hooghly, West Bengal
India. P.I.N. 712136.
There are some private guest houses.The address of one such house is given:
Ritzy Manor,
Strand Road.
P.O. Chandannagar
Dist. Hooghly
West Bengal, India.
P.I.N. 712136.
Rooms are also available in Chinsurah about 3 km from Chandernagore.
Standard Hotel & Restaurant,
Barabazar, Chinsurah
For further details mail the Webmaster at:

Tel. (+91)(033) 680 2532