Hari Gopal Nandy, a self made man, opened his sweet shop in 1920. A born honest innovator , he created 'Golapipanra' ushering in a renaissance of sweets in Chandernagore.
A born scientist, Hari Gopal Nandy, inspite of his educational limitations , expands product range through effort and enterprise.He introduced 'Pranahara', 'Sarer Naru', 'Chanar Murki', and 'Nonta Gaja'.
A major share of his efforts was focussed on the very strict quality requirements that govern every stage of manufacture and storage during his tme. Thus, the-then rich people of Chandernagore- Shyamacharan Rakshit, BholaNath Das, Harihar Sett, FaloKrishna Pal, the then conseiller general and notaire Sadhu Charan Mukherjee became his customers.
Over 80 years have gone by since. His youngest son Umesh Nandy (85 years) andhis grandsons, sons of his eldest son Late Akshoy Kumar Nandy are carrying the heritage still now

with same glory. All through these precious years, the continuing support and goodwill of people of Chandernagore have nurtured the sweet shop to reach the next high.

 Surya Kumar Modak Grandsons                          Mritynjoy Sweets      

Baba Panchanan Mistanna Bhander
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